Dr. Amanda Charles BVSc MRCVS (Veterinarian)

Dr Amanda Charles qualified as a vet from Liverpool University in 2002 and has been in small animal practice ever since. Amanda enjoys educating pet parents by giving them up-to-date and accurate information and loves the variety that being a vet brings. Outside of work, Amanda has two very active young sons and an equally active Cocker Spaniel who keep her busy! She also has a Ragdoll cat with a big personality! Amanda is a small animal veterinarian with over 20 years of experience and a special interest in skin conditions. She has a Postgraduate Certificate in Dermatology. Amanda works part-time in clinical practice primarily doing extended dermatology consultations, and also enjoys telemedicine alongside editing work.   Amanda graduated as a vet from the University of Liverpool in 2002 with a BVSc (Bachelor of Veterinary Science).

cat scratching ear

Does a Dryer Kill Fleas on Cat Bedding? Here’s What Science Says (Vet Answer)

Fleas may be small, but they can cause us and our pets big problems. They are the most common external parasite of cats and breed rapidly—with female fleas laying around 2,000 eggs in their lifetime. Once your cat brings fleas into your home, getting rid of adult fleas as well as their eggs, larvae, and […]

Does a Dryer Kill Fleas on Cat Bedding? Here’s What Science Says (Vet Answer) Read More »

veterinarian holding a cat

Natural Ways to Deworm Your Cat At Home: Vet Explained Safety Concerns

Many pet parents are concerned about the possibility of side effects from conventional deworming medications, and look for natural alternatives they can give their feline friends at home to keep them parasite-free. So, are natural deworming methods a good option? There are no proven safe and effective ways to deworm your cat naturally at home.

Natural Ways to Deworm Your Cat At Home: Vet Explained Safety Concerns Read More »

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